Paradise town (Butte County), CA Reviews

13 Reviews

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What BestPlaces Users Say about Paradise town (Butte County)

Paradise town, located in Butte County, California, is a small community of around 26,000 residents. It is known for its beautiful natural surroundings and close-knit community. In November 2018, Paradise was devastated by the deadly Camp Fire, which destroyed most of the town. Despite this tragic event, the town has shown resilience and is in the process of rebuilding. Many people have shared their experiences and opinions about living in Paradise through user reviews on

Several users have shared their thoughts on living in Paradise on One user, "John", praises the town's sense of community, saying, "Paradise is a small town with a big heart. The people here are always willing to lend a helping hand and look out for each other." Another user, "Samantha", highlights the town's natural beauty, stating, "Living in Paradise means being surrounded by beautiful forests and mountains. It's a nature lover's paradise." On the other hand, "Sarah" mentions the town's high cost of living, saying, "Paradise is a lovely place to live, but it can be expensive. Housing prices are high, and groceries can be pricey." Finally, "Tim" shares his experience with the aftermath of the Camp Fire, saying, "The fire was a devastating event, but the community has come together to support each other. It's inspiring to see how resilient and united we are." These user reviews showcase the strong sense of community, natural beauty, and the challenges faced by residents of Paradise.

 based on 13 Reviews
Get to know Paradise town (Butte County) with the latest comments and reviews from people who live in or have visited Paradise town (Butte County)

Paradise burned to the ground in Nov 2018 - 11/18/2019
The town of Paradise pretty much does not exist anymore. The Camp Fire of November 2018 razed and blazed it to the ground. There are very few structures left standing. This is no exaggeration. If you follow the national news you no doubt saw a lot of coverage of the fire. Check out the Frontline or Netflix documentaries on the subject. Read More

Start Your Review of Paradise town (Butte County)

Paradise is fine just the way it is, thank you... - 9/6/2015
My wife and I moved here in 2014 to get away from Silicon Valley, the traffic, the pollution, and the politics. I've read many comments bemoaning the fact that we like this little town just the way it is. I don't want to have people leaving the cesspools they have created to come up here, only to enact similar policies in place that destroyed their previous habitats. "Good old boy" comment....sheesh, you want to insult my mother as well? People here are down to earth, help their neighbors in need, volunteer their services to the community through hard labor and sacrifice...not march down the street with signs alleging change is needed to solve society's failures. You want to talk about crime? The people who bought our old house in San Jose were burglarized shortly after they moved in, and a couple days later their car was stolen. Drugs are everywhere, not just up in the Sierra foothills...just something you learn to live with. Sure, the weather here is nothing like the Bay Read More

I love Paradise - 9/16/2014
Paradise may NOT be all it's name implies, but I still love it. Yes it gets hot here in the summer, but we get snow in the winter most years and the years we don't get snow, it's not far away. There are always the beautiful creeks, streams and lake to go to to cool off. It's a close knit, laid back kind of community. Newcomers from the city don't usually like it because it is not what they are use to. We like not having side walks, we like having to stop in the middle of the street to let the deer and other wildlife go by. Some people say there isn't any recreation, but if you enjoy nature, then there is plenty of recreation. We do have a movie theater and a bowling alley for the indoor type of people, but that is about it. The problem a lot of newcomers have is they what to "fix" all our problems, but for the locals, we don't necessarily want those problems "fixed". Some people complain about the power outages, but for my family power outages are fun family times. If you Read More

Only Paradise for Pot Growers Leaving as Fast as I - 5/18/2014
I have lived in Paradise for 25 years and owned a home here for 20 years. Up until about 5 years ago it was truly paradise, a small, safe town surrounded with lakes, beautiful parks, rivers, you name it. I am not sure what happened but the town council wrote up a ridiculous marijuana growing ordinance which allows people in our once lovely, safe, peaceful neighborhoods, to grow a ridiculous amount of pot. Neighborhoods have come to look slummy, gangs are moving in slowly, and the entire area wreaks of pot, much of the year, so badly that it literally burns one's throat to go outside. Myself and many others I know do not even go in their yards too much of the year due to the stink. Pot growers are guarding their grows, yes in residential neighborhoods, with guns and attack dogs. The town reports low crime, that is because the police do not care about the drug houses popping up in neighborhoods throughout the town. The police and the county do not care about the pot grows and the Read More

Concerning Paradise/Oroville, Butte County, Clifor - 1/28/2012
There can not be a town with a LESS FITTING NAME than "Paradise", CA..Its name implies nothing of the truth. First of all, what people are saying about unpleasant weather is absolutely correct. Those who say otherwise, (???)...go figure. During winter months it pours buckets of rain. High winds and snow often knock down large trees and branches, which in turn take down power lines, causing power outages & hundreds of thousands of dollars in property damage. Sometimes it actually takes days before power is restored (again, this being in the dead of winter). In the summer you bake & sweat. It is usually very uncomfortable to go outside from about 9AM until just before or after sundown. AC/power & water bills are astronomically high! Wild fires are a huge threat. Mandatory evacuation for weeks at a time & dozens, upon dozens of homes being destroyed by wild fire (ie; 2008).

Probably most frustrating though, has to be the mindset of the locals. VERY LITTLE gets accomplished Read More
Ima | ,  | Reply | 3 Replies

Too Hot or Too Cold - 11/22/2010
Been here 5's too cold in the winter, it snows here and it rains a lot plus it stays around 100* all summer. This place has 4 months of decent Read More

The Weather Here - 7/15/2010
The weather here in Paradise is far from Paradise, it's terrible here and I am writing out of frustration on another 100* day in summer. I moved here 5 years ago from San Jose, I had some relatives here who made it sound like this place was a Paradise, Paradise is no Paradise it's far from it and I can't wait to leave here, I am sorry to say but this place is not for the living, I have nothing good to say about the weather, the forest fires that come every year that put us all in a panic to evacuate or the people. There are a lot of people here who have just dropped out of society and I see them all the time. There is no way a person can enjoy walking around here unless they live on a park because there are no sidewalks and everything is sloped because we are on ridge. I can't wait to get to flat land and it won't be Chico that place is always 5 degrees hotter than Paradise. Don't waste your time or money here, the housing market is a loser you would be lucky to get back what you got Read More

Paradise vs. Magalia? - 10/31/2009
At least in Paradise you can get one of those "cowboys" to come to the schene in a matter of minutes, where as in Magalia, depending on where the Butte County Sheriff is, could take an hour. By the time BCS gets to the scene, you could be dead. Crime in BOTH Magalia and Paradise are comparable. BOTH communites are suffering major ecomonic blows, and BOTH communites are over run with meth use as well as marijuana and prescription medication as well as all of the drunk drivers. BOTH communities are known as Hydrocodone Heights! Magalia is NO safer than Paradise, IMHO. Where exactly do the Ridge Runners run?? Magalia, Paradise, Sterling City, and Inskip. The truth is Butte County is the MOST corrupt county in the state of California, and everyone knows it.
Which place is safer to live? Which place has more to offer our kids in the way of after school activities? Magalia has nothing but a golf course and the POA of which I believe you have to be a home owner to have Read More

PARADISE - 10/13/2009
i love paradise. it is my favorite place in the world. i cant wait to go back there. its BEAUTIFUL. at least it was when i was down there Read More

Almost Paradise - 3/30/2009
Paradise is just about that most of the year in climate, especially the fall which is usually wonderful. Summer can be HOT and days with the 3digit temps.! If you like rain in winter, you will also love it Read More

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